Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
November 13, 2008
Present: D. Lawton, R. Ferguson, J. Kempton, T. Manning, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer
Meeting opened at 7:05pm
October 9, 2008 Meeting Records approved.
Bailey Road/Putnam Road Intersection
The Superintendent suggests using (2) stop signs to control the current traffic flow. The signs were installed per Rich DeWitt's recommendations, including re-striping the lanes. The concerned neighbor was pleased with the work.
Avery Heights Drive/Avery Road Intersection
Removal of "Yield" sign on Avery Heights Drive and installation of "Stop" sign on Avery Road has been completed.
Traffic Access Management (TAM)
Jim Zingarelli has continued conversation with Pam Harding regarding consultants.
Lincoln Avenue
The State has put $45,000 of Chapter 90 funds on hold pending re-evaluation of the State budget. Included in the held monies are the guardrails and adjacent bridge repair.
Doyle/Brattle/Shrewsbury Intersections
FSP has been contracted to prepare the bid documents for January '09 bidding with construction beginning in the spring. Jim Zingarelli will confirm that the bid documents are on track. The Shrewsbury/Doyle intersection design may be revisited. Jim Kempton is concerned about the traffic light sequencing at this intersection and will request the signal plan from the HMLD. Mass Highway also has a copy of the signal plan.
Town-Wide Striping
The town-wide striping of non-State roads is complete.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Next Meeting: Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 7pm, Selectmen's Room.